Friday, February 04, 2005

Crummy, Yet Tasty!

American Splendor (2003)
Starring: Andy Kauffman, Cameron Diaz
Directed by: Jerry Springer
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
The Late Great Andy Kauffman plays oddball cartoonist Robert Crum in this litte dirge-like tribute to the failure that lurks in all of us. Sensational Cameron Diaz has been uglified almost beyond recognition in order to play Kauffman's potential mate and their relationship unfolds in a troglodytic dance of misery. Director Jerry Springer (former mayor of Cleveland) manages to make the city look like Detroit, for gods sake! And yet. And yet I must say that the pleasure of seeing Kauffman alive again and up to his old tricks outweights the petty criticisms that gnaw at my mind like that rats that hover in the background of the kitchen in Crum's dilapidated apartment. Springer proves a surprisingly adept first-time director. But if there's Kauffman, musn't there be bongos? Where are the bongos, Jerry? There must be bongos!

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