Tuesday, January 04, 2011

To Thine Known Self Be True

What Do You Know (2010)
Starring: Gabrielle Reece, Paula Rugg, Jack Nicholson, Stubby Shavers
Directed by: Jim Brooks
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Tragedy
Once a year a fish known as a "grunion" beaches itself by the millions in the wet sands of San Diego in order to bring forth the next generation. And just as regularly "Jim" Brooks beaches himself on the boards of Hollywood to produce a film that will spawn a million imitations by never-shall-be's like Judge Apatown and "Jim" Jarmusch.

"What Do You Know" (a subtle but appreciative nod to Dante's "Milton Lost") concerns a number of attractive people and Jack Nicholson doing what they do best - being the kind of people you know and that you are. And Jack Nicholson. 

Like the piscatorial connoisseur, reap this little harvest of joy before Mr. Brooks shuffles off this little blue coil. You won't be disappointed.

Note to Arwen - No, Ms. Witherspoon is clean-shaven.

1 comment:

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Are you saying that this a good movie to take a date to. And Jack Nickelson. Are you also implying that it's that rare movie you could take your mother to. And Jack Nickelson. And then have an intelligent, and intimate conversation afterward. And Jack Nickelson.