Monday, December 07, 2009

This Fish Is Off

The Slammin' Salmon (2009)

Starring: Michael Clark Pearlman, Chevy Chase, Armand Assante, Jay Rajanthrakor
Directed by: Kevin Heffelump
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy

The Saturday Night Live crew returns with another character bit taffy pull. Human topo map Michael Clark Pearlman ("The Iron Giant: On Ice!", "The City of Children That Time Forgot To Grow Up", "Flapjacks") stars as a former astronaut-turned-boxer who threatens to kill anyone who will not serve him food.

I found this one slightly more amusing than, say, "I'm Pat", "The Weightguesser Guy", "The Two Guys Who Argue over the Copier", "Lunch Money", "Monkey Cheerleaders" or "Crash" but mega-producer Loren Michaels might want to put down his ear medicine long enough to take a quick glance at these half-page "treatments" he's getting from his SNL stable before signing those two-hundred thousand dollar checks with his space pen. There's more to a big-time feature film than a funny wig, Billy Bob teeth and a "green room" stuffed with assistants knitting your Jack Herald terrier Christmas sweaters, Mr. Michaels. You owe it to the thousands of your viewers who see "The Michaels" name above the line as a stamp of authenticity and a guarantee of extended pleasure. Just a thought.

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