Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Night Special - The Lower Depths

The Interned (2015)
Starring: Robert De Deniro, Amy Adams Directed by: Dame Nancy Meyers Rating: PG Genre: Drama
Review Director and former basketball wunderkind Meyers ("The Diaper", "Hungry Architects", "Dog Walkers 2: The Elder Strolls") knocks it out of the park yet again with this chilling, sexy thriller about young people and the old people who won't stop calling them on their land lines. Adams ("Beaver People", "Diverticulicious: The Eating of Julia Child") stars as a put-upon web "billionaire" whose startup rockets to the top of the intertubes by providing a mobile "app" that matches up women terrified of commitment with men so old that it shouldn't be an issue. De Deniro, so fabulous as the fat, psychopathic rabbi in Dayvid Fincher's "Rabbid" turns yet another cheek as a man so old and so unpleasant that Adams can't resist him. Some will have to look away as they commit sex in the New York Athletic Club's members-only humidor. But if there was ever a reason for 3-D dimensional, this was it. Include me in!

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