Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Brothers Deliver A Heavy Load

The Matrix (1999)

Starring: Keenu Reeves, Laurence Fishman
Directed by: Joel Coen
Rating: R
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Keenu Reeves stars as an alien who discovers that he is God in this stunning sequel to Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. Lawrence Fishman (bald!) is the unfortunate doctor who must break the news to Reaves. With no way out, Reeves decides the only way to save the world is to face his alien parents and flush them down what looks like a giant lavatory. But don't let that description put you off. I learned more about the Bible from this movie than ten years of Sunday school. Stunning commentary track with a surprisingly insightful Reeves and director Coen discussing if God is a software programmer.

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