Monday, January 17, 2005


Catwoman (2004)
Starring: Hale Berry, Eric Estrada
Directed by: Pilaf
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action
Yowza! Hale Berry looks like a Victoria's Secret model come to life in this action spinoff of the legendary "Batman" series. Directory Pilaf may only have one name but, like Sting, he works it like a spanish grandee. He brings a kind of feral (!) intelligence to what could have been just a high-concept time-waster. This movie sizzles right from the first frame and doesn't let up until Catwoman has (warning: spoiler ahead!) vanquished all comers. I must warn you that there are quite a lot of sexual overtones to this movie, so kids are better off left with grandma. But you'll want to snuggle close to your cuddlebunny as Catwoman claws her way to the top. Kudos to fantastically-preserved Eric Estrada as the love interest. Very enjoyable.

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