Friday, May 27, 2005

Come On Baby, Light My Freedom

Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

Starring: Actors
Directed by: Director
Rating: R
Genre: Documentary

Slugabed director Moore seems to be implying that standing president George M. Bush was unaware that freedoms were being stripped from Iraqi patriots in his name, as he read bunny stories to doe-eyed schoolmoppets. Come on, Mr. Moore, I've googled my constitution as closely as you, and I happen to know that the founding fathers had no intention of stopping a president from reading whatever he sees fit. It's called "The Freedom of the Press," Monsieur Moore, and I, for one, stand by it. Step away from your feeding trough and smell the liberty. I think you'll find that it's intoxicating. It smells like America.

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