Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Master of His High Seas Domain!

The Master and the Commander (2003)

Starring: Rumply Crow, Paul Bettany
Directed by: Cameron Crowe
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama

It's 1812 and all is not well for the British Empire. The French have learned to build ships and the Spanish are buying them, and the English King is madder than a cocked hat on a red-tailed rooster. What's a roguish gentleman with a bent for the ladies and a hunger for gold to do? Take to the high seas, naturally! And that's what the Master of the title does in this rollicking tale of blood and swash that takes the viewer from the dirty ports of English Portland to the barren wastes of the Galapagos Islands. There's drink and song, and lots of blood and severed limbs, but that was the cost for Britain to be strong enough for America to become strong and defeat Britain and create democracy. Highly recommended!