Friday, September 04, 2009

Game On!

GAMER (2009)
Starring: Jock McGregor
Directed by: Mark Taylor
Rating: R
Genre: Action Thriller

Sexy Jock McGregor ("The 3 Hundreds") plays "Boner", a lone wolf game designer locked inside a game he designed but cannot escape without the help of young gaming genius "Booger" (played ably by a remarkably well-preserved Red Buttons ["Red Dawn"]). Booger "plays" Boner as a character in a Donkey-Kong-like side-scroller - but here the barrels and gigantic maddened gorillas are for real! Long-time readers know how acerbic I can be about shoddy special effects (see my review of Toy Story, if you can stand the heat!), but here they work, as the pixelated, "green-screen" action replicates the seizure-inducing hysteria of Antari's gaming masterpiece.

I've praised the hunky McGregor for past work, but here he's a revelation as the man without a past, a genius so smart he created a game with no solution -- except Death! The twist is (spoiler alert!) only a mildly-otherly-mentally-abled child whose synapses have fused directly to his wrist ligaments can unlock the " master stage" and defeat the "Boss" (grotesquely shriveled one-time actor John Turturro) that leads McGregor out. There's one more twist (think "2001: A Space Odyssey"), but I won't give it away because I want to encourage you to check out this thoughtful, spine-tingling indie screener. But if you have any questions about your wife's fidelity, leave her at home with the ugliest babysitter you can find! Jock McGregor is a definite home-wrecker!


Greg (Van) Morrison said...

they say good jokes are the ones that hit you immediately, those links are funny as hell. and the writing style is as slick as pretentiousness

Oswald Reeves said...

Well, "Greg", you're back again are you? I thought our last meeting in St. Lou would have taught you the meaning of "no." Apparently that was asking too much. Sir, 200 yards away means 200 yards away - even on the Internet!