Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Haunting Dessert Saga

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Starring: David Bowie, Alex Guinness
Directed by: David Lean
Rating: PG
Genre: Classics
David Bowie is unforgettable as a WWI english soldier trapped behind the lines in Japanese-held Egypt. Ably partnered by Alex Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi, of Star Wars fame) Bowie trudges through the sand making friends with men of all persuasions. Despite some cinematographic problems (I felt like yelling 'Focus!' at my television more than once) the southern California scenery is awe-inspiring. Action highlights include a train falling over on its side and Bowie falling off a camel. Make sure you pack a sack lunch, though. This one tips the scales at over four hours!

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