Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Trojan Tragedy is the Pitts

Troy (2004)
Starring: Brad Pitt, Eric Bana
Directed by: Wolfgang Peterson
Rating: R
Genre: Action & Adventure
Beware Germans bearing gifts! This brightly-wrapped elephant dropping by CSI Las Vegas-director/star Wolfgang Peterson tries to do an end-run around logic, history and plain common-sense on its way to its happily-ever-after ending. Peterson and scriptwriter Orson Bean would have us believe that the ancient greeks wore leather skirts and had their hair done by Mr Tony of Beverly Hills! Little Brad Pitt (whose making a habit of these sword-and-sandal epics with the recently released Alexandria) strains credibility more than a little as a warrior with his panties in a bunch when his friend is trampled by a (!) camel. It's a big, hysterical mess. I waited all movie for the giant horse. Did I miss it? I'm going to have to recommend you pass on this one. Instead, check out the fabulous "Hercules in the Underworld" for a more accurate depiction of the ancient sodomites.

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