Friday, February 25, 2005

All The President's Kooks

All the President's Men (1976)
Starring: Robert Deniro, Robert Redford
Directed by: Alan J. Paluka
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama
We finish off our President's Week Celebration of Presidents in the Movies with this wildly preposterous tale of two hippies (one blonde, the other brunette) who happen to stumble upon the biggest political scandal since Warren Harding dumped tea in the Boston Harbor. While I've always enjoyed Deniro and Redford's work (see Butch Cassiday, for instance) I don't think denigrating the president's brilliant pingpong detente with China for entertainment value is going to play in Peoria. How did the hippies get access to the greatest men in government? Offer them some marijuana? Director Paluka rarely returned to the government scandal genre again. Now you know why.

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