Friday, February 18, 2005

Scorcese's Last Dance?

Pulp Fiction (1994)
Starring: John Travolta, Antonio "Huggy Bear" Fargas
Directed by: Martin Scorcese
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
To paraphrase Humphrey Bogart - Is this the end of Marty? Even kings eventually get their heads chopped off, so maybe it was time for the reign of Scorcese to come to an end. But what a dismal guillotine the maestro chose to decapitate himself with. Religious fruitcake John Travolta (Phenomenal) is fat, dumb and weird as a travelling salesman with a jumpy trigger finger and Antonio "Huggy Bear" Fargas comes off little better as his fey sidekick. I kept thinking that if only they had done the entire soundtrack with cool space alien singer Klaus Nomi, they might at least have been able to move this train wreck to a safe siding. But now that the movie has been "burned" onto DVD, we'll never know.

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