Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Band On the Run

Metallica: The Smartest Guys In The Room (2004)

Starring: Metallica
Directed by: Director
Rating: R
Genre: Documentary

When a rock band becomes more interested in offshore investments than "rockin the casbah" the river rapidly devolves into a set of rapids which can only be "shot" with the expert guidance of rapids-master lawyers wielding paddles with names like "nolo contendere" and "habeus corpus." What a long strange trip it must have been for the boys of Metallica - from vomit-stained groupies to the leather-trimmed high-rise board rooms of Cayugas and Montego Bay. Fascinating, disturbing and, ultimately, uplifting tale. Highly recommended.

1 comment:

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

God Bless the American Dream works among the youth culture. Imagine, if youth, sex, drugs, and rock n roll lead the youth of america to frolic on off-shore islands rather than horde their wealth in off-shore accounts. Well, by God, Good Americans would eat their young first.
you rock on, Director..