Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Heaven's Just a Mace Away

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Starring: Orlando Bloom, Eva
Directed by: Riddidly Scott
Rating: R
Genre: Drama

In the year 2525, if man is still alive goes the classic song and I couldn't help but wonder, as I watched Riddidly Scott's epic Kingdom of Heaven if the poor bastards who trudged off to the crusades hummed something similar. This dark, moody set piece lends itself to such deep thoughts as it incisively examines why a poor, stupid laborer (Orlando Bloom [Orlando]) would find it necessary to murder poor stupid laborers halfway around the continent. But Scott (Alien Nation), ever the perfectionist shows that where racism and bigotry is the question, then love must be the answer. Love, in the form of brittle, ceramic-skinned celtic folk-rapper Eva, is all the spur our dumbbunny hero needs to accept the thuggish hatred necessary to do what must be done. The world, Scott seems to say, is strange, cruel and violent and only by being even more strange, more cruel and more violent can we hope to bring the planet to a successful conclusion. I may disagree with the message, but the messenger compels my eyes upward, ever upward, crawling up the giant megaplex screen until, indeed, I feel I truly am in cinematic heaven.

1 comment:

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Have film reviews become extended Hiku revelations on America?
eye candy
popcorn, extra butter
violence saves me