Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mais Ou est Huile d'Olive?

The French Connection (1971)

Starring: Gene Hackman
Directed by: Wilhelm Friedkin
Rating: R
Genre: Drama

The French, they are a funny people. But not, apparently, when they try an "homage" to great american cartoon figures as in this misguided attempt to fuse the dreary, perplexing work of Jean-Luc Picard with the sprightly pop sensibility of America's favorite spinach pitchman. What we get is neither fish nor foul. Incredibly, laconic egghead Robert Altman remade this eye booger into a musical starring schizophrenic whackjob Robin Williams - not surprisingly, it's even harder to bear. Bad show all around for Franco-American relations.

1 comment:

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Okay, I can see running the gauntlet of metal detectors to enter L.A. parties and airplanes. Now, I see why Congress and America demand drug screening for jobs sensitive to the nerve of being American, like janitors, hay bailors, and film critics. We all know, Popeye could whip Steve McQueen 3 out a three falls, and what's French got to do with it?