Monday, November 30, 2009

Ninja Ass-in

Fat Ninja (2009)

Starring: Gravy Rain
Directed by: McTard
Rating: R
Genre: Action

Super Trooper McTard ("V For Vendela") knows where the bodies are buried and disinters them with tremendous style in this thoughtful consideration of the costs associated with living a life of life-taking.

Deaf Korean master chef/fashion model Gravy Rain ("Ghostly Vice Cops 4") stars as a man torn between eviscerating people with a curved shiv and growing lavender in the sun-soaked hills of Manitoba (the "Provence" of  western Canada). I won't give away his decision, but if I'd remembered to bring my reading glasses I'm sure I'd be reporting that Calgary will blossom for years to come.

Not much more to say about this one, but before I conclude, I'd like to state how optimistic I am about the number of "foodies" making the jump to the big screen. Without food it's unlikely we'd even be an upright species (not enough protein-based energy), so we all owe a big shout-out to those who prepare it in ways that make it palatable.

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