Monday, March 07, 2005

Depravity, Thy Name is Gigli!

Starring: Audrey Hepburn, Marcel Marceau
Directed by: Steven Sondheim
Rating: G
Genre: Musical
"Gigli, you with the stars in your eyes..." Well, something must have been in her eyes for Audrey Hepburn to allow herself to be sold off to ancient wanker Marcel Marceau by monstrous grandmother Angela Lansbury (Miss Piggy's Grand Aventure). Only Sondheim, that dark atonal weasal of misery could have concocted a story so sordid that it made the angels along 41st Street weep. Gorgeously cinematographed on a backlot Paris-that-never-was, this bright, shiny booger manages to offend all but the most permissive with its constant smirks and chuckles at the misery of women forced by their grandparents' penury to bed disgusting truffle-hogs like Mr. Marceau. Shame apparently is a word unknown in the depraved underground lairs of sophisticated New York showpeople. But, as a citizen of Ohio, I'll take none of it. And neither, I think, will you. Shame!

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