Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Nixon In Love

Nixon (1995)
Starring: Sir Laurence Oliver, Joan Allen
Directed by: Oliver Stone
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
What pithy and salacious tidbit of information Director Oliver Stone (American Psychotic) had over Sir Laurence Oliver to get him to appear as disgraced President of the United States Richard Nixon may forever remain a mystery, but this much is clear: Oliver was the twentieth century's greatest actor, and perhaps the greatest actor since they have been keeping records. Oliver snuffles, winces, groans, squints, belches and swears his way into our hearts, showing us the humanity behind the bitter, contorted mask that was Tricky Dicky Nixon. Who amongst us can have claimed, before seeing this film, to have known the fevered, almost morbid, passion this dark, paranoid, humpbacked walking-stick (who risked an empire on the fate of a spotted dog) brought to his relationship with pinch-faced asexual "Pat" Nixon (played ably by Joan Allen [The Iced Storm])? As the song says, "Love Is All Around, There is No Need To Waste It." It seems a pity that we had to wait so long to understand that tragic message. Thank you Mssrs. Oliver and Stone. A grateful nation awaits, with bated breath, "Agnew."