Friday, March 04, 2005

Put A Cork In It. It's Done!

Sideways (2004)
Starring: Paul Giamatti, Meryl Streep
Directed by: Margaret Cho
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy
A paean to Sisyphus (the Roman God of Wine), Sideways takes the patient viewer on a journey of few steps but many miles. Fat, ugly wine connoisseur Giamatti (The Andy Kauffman Story) hits the road after vomiting on the last of his mother's treasury notes, hightailing it up to beautiful Napa/Sonoma. There he vomits on waitress Meryl Streep who, obviously nursing some serious issues of her own, finds herself strangely charmed by this hairy fruitbat. Can inebriated Cupid hit the target? I'll leave it to you to find out. Parental Note: You may have to forcefeed them stimulants, but I highly recommend having your kids watch this sobering lesson about the dangers of wine and song.

1 comment:

Oswald Reeves said...

It's interesting you should say that, because I mentioned to my local wine merchant just the other day that I was surprised that the film didn't have more references some of the quality white wines produced throughout the region.