Thursday, March 24, 2005

Media Circus

Anchorman (2004)
Starring: Wilf Erroll, Smack Daddy
Directed by: Adam McKay
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy
When Sir Walter Cronkite intoned those famous words "... And that's the way it Was" I do not believe he had this movie in mind. Anchorman is a foul-mouthed corruption of the ideals of journalism as they were laid down by such luminaries as Edward R. Newman and Edwin Murrow back in the day when the news was more than good hair and gleaming teeth. Then again, it is a comedy. But give me Ted Baxter any day over the the "stylings" of Saturday Night Live alumnus Wilf Erroll and the emasculating sidekick - the finger-licking bad "Smack Daddy." Hollywood has yet to realize that real humor is found neither in tragedy of flatulence nor the exploitation of the wholesome vigor of a young woman's poitrine. Instead, it exists at the confluence where high moral rectitude runs head on into the pitch-black ice-cold, dagger-sharp, brain-rattling, soul-eating wall we call "reality." But then the Hollywood bigshots in their Beaver-skin coats and Bel-Air mansions wouldn't know that, would they?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? When was Walter Cronkite knighted? Anchorman has nothing whatsoever to do with Cronkite or the network newsmen of the past. Instead, the movie attempts to lampoon the bubbleheaded local tv news "teams" that littered the airwaves in the seventies and eighties. I don't know exactly where Mr. Reeves is coming from, but he didn't get it. At all.