Thursday, November 05, 2009

I'll Take Door Two, Clive

Le Box (2009)

Starring: Mare Winningham, Tuck Plugsden, James Cocoa
Directed by: Richard Keily
Rating: R
Genre: Thriller

Put down the crack pipe, Richard! This whacked-out "suspenser" remake of the flick that forced Kim Basinger to buy an entire Georgia town and burn it to the ground, from an unpublished short story by Ernest Hemingway plays like a Twilight Zone episode that lasts for three days and three nights, and then three more days. Disfigured Russian cosmonaut James Cocoa ("Big Night")  rides a frozen urine icicle down from the space station and lands in Winningham and Plugsden's backyard. They discover a strange box in his unconscious space pants and must decide whether to kill him, or kill him and win a million dollars.

Should be just what the doctor ordered for Keily, who hasn't been the same since he went through "the change." Check it out!


Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Right you are Oswaie.;
It's a rip-off from The Twilight Zone, which you've caught many times before. But this time, I suggest, to any woe-be-dead-beat who wants to see this film that first they too start ingesting three packs of Lucky Strikes a day, like Rod Sterling, and then see the film, if they can stand the withdraws long enough to endure a feature (?) film.

Oswald Reeves said...


Why is it the Hollywood fat cats can't leave television alone? Don't they understand that film is a completely different medium? That said, I've often thought that a "Manimal" movie starring Keanu Reeve might go down smoothly. Take care!