Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dog Days

Odd Dogs (2009)

Starring: Robin William, John-John Travolta 
Directed by: Walter Fagen
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy/Drama

Passion comes in all sizes and shapes but one thing we can all agree upon is that the ineffable spark that separates love from sexual infatuation can often be found in the damndest places.

Senior circuit director Walter Fagen ("Wild Dogs", "Talkers", "Walkers", "Walking and Talking", "Old Talkers", "Talking Dogs", "Hog Walkers") helms this beast with the sure authority of a dingo gnawing a lost baby. Master "caster" Keith Wolfe pulled off a major coup landing veterans Robin William ("Shlomo and the Dude", "The Toy") and John-John Travolta ("Tonka Toy: The Movie", "Stayin' Alive!") who star as a pair of travelling salesmen who are purchased at auction by a pair of seven-year-old twins with hair like spun gold and mouths straight out of "The Last Detail."

After a series of hijinks simultaneously hilarious and heart-breaking, the two gents are cast adrift on a giant inflatable porpoise where, after seven days and nights sharing a uric nightcap, Travolta breaks down and begins speaking in tongues.

I won't give away the ending, but I have to say that watching masters of any field doing what they do at the top of their game - whether its master bantam rooster breeder Anthony de Piante or Japanese submariner Masaji Hiramatsu - is a sincere pleasure that should not be underestimated. It won't change your mind about Jesus, but it just might get you through the night.

1 comment:

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

just plain ass funny stuff, even without the links.