Friday, November 06, 2009

Friday Night Special - Fly, Robin Fly!

There's Something About Ameilia (2009)

Starring: Hilary Swunk, Sir Richard Gear
Directed by: Catherine Breillat
Rating: R
Genre: Action
Other: Female Flying Pantsuit

Friday Night Special - Friday Night Special is a special feature of Oswald's Screen Scene. Here we present reviews of movies that we feel may be of particular interest to those special lovers looking for that magical mood-setter of a date flick that just might ignite the passions bubbling under the surface during the last work day of the week. Is this "The One"? Or just "One of Those Things?" Let us be your guide!


Florid fever-dream troweled onto the screen by mad French pornographic "madame" Catherine Breillat. Hilary Swunk ("Lungs Are The Only Things") stars as a female version of bizarre fascist boytoy Sir Arthur Limburg who decides that she will cure the world of child abusers by flying around it without stopping.

Swunk can be touching, particularly when she's dressed in her grey flightsuit, but Sir Richard Gear ("I Love All of Myself So Much", "American Gigolo in Paris") is miscast as a human businessman. And Breillat doesn't seem to understand that flying involves forcing air OVER the wings of the machine until it achieves lift. There's none of that kind of technical detail that would lead us to believe Amelia is actually "flying." Instead, we get endless dull "sex" scenes in which leaden Italian stallion Rico Suave seems bent on exposing his epiglottis to the back row.

While it's clear that a woman could indeed fly a plane until it runs out of fuel, I'm not convinced that this woman could carry off such a feat. And without that willing suspension of disbelief that thoughtful spacemonkey Jim Carrey endlessly carries on about, it's difficult to believe that the twenty-five frames that burn our eyes every two seconds cohere into a story that will make us hold it in until we can't hold it in any longer.

Verdict? Stay home and delight in the sexy petticoats of Miss Julie Andrews as she seduces the heck out of Dick Vandycke in Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang.


Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Amen, Petticote Junktion. A.E. couldn't land a zipper in Congress. Although three point landings in a House of Straw I heard was her speciality. This film is yet another lame-Geere (landing) attempt to make Johnny Appleseed into something reality abhorred- a commercial product where tax free Hemp ought to grow. Save your tooth-whiteners, and popcorn, and go watch the real airplanes land, until the Republicans take the American traveler into the Dark Ages, at a real airport.

Oswald Reeves said...


"A.E. couldn't land a zipper in Congress" is one of the funniest lines I've heard in a long, long time. Remember the John Towers hearings? Back in the day a man could be a man and place a pubic hair on a woman's glass without the "P.C." police bullying him into a high-tech noose!