Monday, November 16, 2009

The Day The Earth Jumped About

2012: The Year That Time Forgot (2009)

Starring: John Le Cuisak, Tandy Beal Newton, Rebecca Romero
Directed by: Wolfgang Petersen
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action

Like an MMO (massively mutiliated objects) version of Gnip-Gnop played with the flayed corpses of people not beautiful enough to become movie stars and too dumb to stay away from the John Robert Powers modeling agency, Wolfgang Petersen's 2012: The Year That Time Forgot keeps score the old fashioned way.

Petersen, who is perhaps best remembered for his taut submariner flick Das Boot (The Boot), appears to have taken long-time friend and confident Uma Merkel's advice and "gone for the gold," with a film so dumb it it should have been narrated by Wilf Errel's belly button.

Former teen idol John Le Cuisak ("The Seven Kingdoms", "Wish I'd Said That") drops lead guitar duties just long enough to dance, prance and dangle puppet-like in front of a "green" screen so that he can be digitally inserted into whatever action-packed scenic fissure Petersen thinks he might fit, which may account for his growing likeness to a vagrant stumbling into a walrus pelt enrobed in salt-encrusted chocolate.

Clearly my mind wandered into sad and gossipy places while considering Mr Petersen's filmus terribilus.  With all that said, what ends up on the screen is palpably thrilling with (spoiler alert!) special effects unrivaled since "The Dark Crystal" stole the souls of young 'uns everywhere.

As the "Dramatics" so ably put it lo those many years ago "if what you're looking for is real loving, then what you see is what you get." How many of our significant others can live up that? If The Germinator can deliver us for four or five hours from the tragedy that is global warming by presenting the earth destroyed in both fire and ice, I say bring on like a naughty spanking to a rich, impotent old man!


Madame said...

dint U mean "bring IT on" ? I think your links are better and more entertaining than Stumbleupon.

Oswald Reeves said...


At this late date, I'm not quite sure. Would you happen to be the "Madame" who so efficiently graced the hand of Mr. Wayland Flowers? If so, then I commend you for your longevity and your wit!