Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Gland That Time Forgot

Did You Hear About The Parkinsons? (2009)

Starring: Hugely Grand, Sarah-Jessica Michelle Gland
Directed by: Marky Marc
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy/Drama

After Gland ("Sin-derella", "The Sixties And Their Discontents", "Porpoise-Eaters") witnesses Grand strangling a prostitute during a payoff gone wrong, the two hightail it out of Gotham only to land in a small town besieged by insane hill people.

Presposterous, violent, stupid and sexy, this seemingly-forgotten Christmas flick has it all. I won't give away the shock ending but suffice it to say you'll never try to catch a glimpse of your anus in a floor-to-ceiling mirror again! Check it out!

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