Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Go Ahead. Stare.

Armoralled (2009)

Starring: Columbus Short, Ving Fishburne, Matt Dollard
Directed by: "Nimrod"
Rating: R
Genre: Action

Here we go again, kids. Just when you thought product placement had hit an all-time low, along comes action maestro "Nimrod" ("Funguz") one flap down, with a paen to automotive cleaning and buffing products giant Armorall.

I won't dignify this extended infomercial with a review, but I'd be remiss if I didn't toss a sharp stick at Messers Stamoulis & Weinblatt who represent slick ad cats "Denizen" who got us into all of this mess in the first place. Well done, gents. What's next - Fred Astaire pitching  vacuum cleaners? 

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