Thursday, December 03, 2009

Daydream Believer

My God! (2009)

Starring: Hume Jackman, Seal, Morty Gundy, Trader Vic, Sister Wendy, Mark McGwire, Cantiflas, "Tailgunner" Joe Lieberman, Sir Michael Caine, Thabo Mbeke, Ronaldihno, XZBit
Directed by: Peter Roger
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Documentary
Other: Religion

Peripatetic mayfly Peter Roger has finally alighted long enough to bring us a fascinating, thoughtful and ultimately life-affirming examination of the religious beliefs of "the people who count".

Celebrities ranging from Hume Jackman ("Ned Kelly's Feet of Flame", "X-Badger!", "The Time of the Crying") to Mexican anti-hero Cantiflas opine on how only a God that was truly fabulous could have designed a world in which they would be born at just the right time to be a famous as possible. As world-class skate artist Tiny Biter says, "the odds of a ceramic that is both durable enough and flexible enough to allow a hundred and sixty-five pound man to molly off the edge of empty swimming pool without high-siding are so astronomical that only a supreme being could have created Isaac Newton so that gravity could exist." While we all know that Isaac Newton was actually an invention of renaissance scientist Roger Bacon, the general line of argument is right on.

It's not the job of a film reviewer to take sides, and I won't. But it's hard not to be a believer when gazing into the depthless blue pools that are Sister's Wendy's eyes. Check it out!

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