Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Are You Really What You Eat?

SuperSizeMe (2004)
Starring: Morgan Spurlock
Directed by: Morgan Spurlock
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Mockumentary
First-time director Morgan Spurlock's SuperSizeMe harkens back to the crazy stunts of the roaring Twenties, when grown men would sit on poles for a month, couples danced for a week straight and presidents fathered children out of wedlock. Spurlock's gag is to eat fatburgers for thirty days and then have a massive heart attack. You'll notice one big difference - Spurlock's "stunt" requires no SKILL! I, personally, have eaten lunch at Wendy's every day for the last five or so years and can state categorically that, other than an occasional twinge in my arm and some shortness of breath, I'm none the worse for wear. To be honest, I couldn't help wondering if this wasn't some elaborate blackmail scheme to which the MacDonald's corporation refused to bow. I have no evidence to prove this, but Mr. Spurlock carries the the saggy jowls of a man disappointed in an expected payday. And you'll notice that he never once mentioned their charitable work on behalf of children with cancer. Perhaps he just doesn't care. I say "Rock on, Ronald MacDonald!"

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