Friday, April 29, 2005

A Dish Best Served Not At All

Cannibal: The Musical (1996)
Starring: Trey Parker, Toddy Waters
Directed by: Trey Parker
Rating: R
Genre: Musical
There certainly is a place for a musical about the scourge of cannibalism, but unfortunately this is not it. Cannibal: The Musical purports to represent the interests of those driven by cruel desperation to partake in the Meat-That-Dare-Not-Speak-Its-Name, but really it's an excuse for some rather juvenile pranks involving a group of miners who can't keep their pants up. Those of us with relatives who have been through this horrendous ordeal may find it hard to forgive the mocking nature of the film, but perhaps we are too close to the subject to appreciate its humorous possibilities. All I can say is that the musical that sings the pain of those pitiable unfortunates has yet to be composed. Are you listening Mr. Billy Joel?

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