Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bringing Down D House

House Of D (2004)
Starring: David Duanchovny, Robin Williams
Directed by: David Duanchovny
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
The Rain in Spain may fall mainly on the Plain, but don't bother to tell that to David Duanchovny. Dunachovny (House of Blue Leaves), who also wrote and directed this small masterpiece, plays a man who cannot forget that his father (spastic blowhard Robin Williams) was a retarded janitor. His yearning for the simple life led by his happy-go-lucky pater leads him down an unforgettable path that ends only when he climbs the Eiffel Tower and finds that for a man to be an artist he first has to face the fact that he is a man first. Kudos to Duanchovy for being brave enough to ask his friends to appear in his film. Enjoy!

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