Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Emperor of the Blown Mind!

Constantine (2005)
Starring: Keenu Reeves,Rachel Weisz
Directed by: Francis Laurence
Rating: Unrated
Genre: Action
Mr. Keenu Reeves proves once again that he is the one Hollywood actor willing and able to BLOW YOUR MIND! Reeves is fantastic as Constantine, an oddly feckless man who, when he suddenly begins to channel the great former emperor of Constantinople, has powers beyond your imagination. When his friend's sister dies he goes to hell and engages in the best theological debate with Satan since the underrated Little Nicky. Often castigated as a nitwit with a brainpan the size of a triscuit, Reeves fights the good fight as Satan's worst nightmare! Fantastic special effects include a donkey stuck in a tornado and Reeves underpants spontaneously bursting into flames. Looking forward to Reeves always-thought-provoking commentary on the DVD!

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