Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Travolta In One For The Ages

Be Cool (2005)
Starring: John Travolta, Uma Thurmond
Directed by: Quentus Tarantino
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
I find myself unable to concoct a catchy metaphor to express my feelings about this dark fable of underworld that is the Entertainment business. I've always felt it was not the place of the reviewer to inject his (or her) personal feelings into a review. But I'm going to break that rule: I believe that twenty, thirty or even fifty years from now people will think about Actor John Travolta in the same way we who live in the first decade of the new century honor Mr Spencer Tracy. Travolta (Phenomenon) is a phenomenon unto himself, a cool, fat sex machine with sleekit hair like an otter and eyes that bore into one's soul like a two-fisted dentist drilling a pair of cheese-soft molars. When he's on the screen, it's as though the light that emanates from his forehead obliterates the cast, the crew, the set, the foliage. One watches and wonders why the film emulsion doesn't drip right off its celluloid backing. What about the film, you ask? What film? All is Travolta. Travolta is all. All doubters will be forced to their knees after this one. I guarantee it. Enjoy!

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