Thursday, March 31, 2005

Knock Knock. Who's There? Racism!

Guess Who (2005)
Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Bernie Mac
Directed by: Kevin Rodney Sullivan
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
The word courage doesn't naturally spring to mind when discussing the ouvre of Ashton Kutcher, but that might all change after this handsome, unsparing update of the 60's light comedy starring (of all people) Sidney Poitier. Kutcher, the obese, moon-faced Bernie Mac and generally-untalented director Sullivan ignore the low-hanging fruit (comedy), instead opting for whole scenes in which the inherent discomfort of the actors is made plain to the audience. Kutcher, in particular, refuses to give in to the humor, making his slightly-retarded, insufferable character a whipping boy for all the injustices suffered by African-Americans throughout the history of our nation. In the same way that Scream redefined the horror genre by removing the horror, Guess Who may be looked back as a landmark as well: A comedy brave enough to go it alone. Bravo!

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