Monday, March 28, 2005

Fit Brit a Hit in the Cit!

Alfie (2004)
Starring: Judd Law, Marisa Tomei
Directed by: Charles Shylock
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy
"What's it all about, Alfie? Is it just a game for you?" Alfie, a young ne'er-do-well with a British accent and an attitude to match "macks" on femalia young and old throughout the triborough area only to find that that love is not a game of nine-pins. Instead, it's like golf - he who scores the least, wins the game of hearts. Judd Law (the Breakfast Club) lost about 150 pounds and died his hair blonde to make his comeback and, other than the phony british accent, he's excellent. Rumors are swirling that he may be the next Batman and, after watching this one, I'm on board. God's Speed, Judd!

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