Friday, March 11, 2005

Freeze Baby, Freeze!

The Day After The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Starring: Dennis Quaid, Toby Maguire
Directed by: Wolfgang Petersen
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action
What would happen if the day after the day after tomorrow was really really cold? This provocative setpiece outlining just such a scenario strikes out at every government bureaucrat who ever kept you waiting in line at the DMV even though you had an appointment by showing what would happen if their eyeballs froze (spoiler - they pop!). Grumpy Dennis Quaid sublimates his lack of sexual activity by discovering that pollution has become so bad that the Statue of Liberty will soon be in the middle of an ice cube just like in those acrylic cubes you can buy at the Statue of Liberty. It's all a little farfetched (doesn't anybody remember that ozone in your refrigerator can KILL you?) but lots of fun as folks scurry around like ants trying to convince the evil president "Bosch" and vice-president "Chutney" that they've doomed us all to a future picking oranges in Zihuatenejo. Incredible DVD extras include blooper real of "flubbed" lines (when actors cannot remember their lines or they say them incorrectly or, occasionally, say them too soon or too late before or after another actor's "cue") and thought-provoking mini-documentary on how file-sharing pirates are spreading viruses that give young children cancer.

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