Monday, March 14, 2005

It Isn't Easy Being A Frog

Men Of Honor (2000)
Starring: Q-Bot Goodman, Jr., Harvey Keitel
Directed by: George Tillman, Jr.
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
Men Of Honor's blue language will turn away many who should be forced to watch its stark depiction of African-Americans compelled to the bottom of the sea by a military bureacracy that cannot see the man behind the frog-mask. Rapper Q-Bot Goodman, Jr. refuses to dance to his white commander's jig, upping the ante with each perilous league the ship descends on its rendezvous with horror. Finally Harvey Keitel's Captain Queeg lets go of his metal balls long enough to have the upstart crow thrown in the brig. But when the crew begins to suffocate, Goodman is the first to volunteer to don the rubber fish suit and repair the gaping hole that leaves them with only minutes until their nuclear payload blows a opening in the Antartic's ozone layer the size of Antartica. Action, drama and lonely terror-induced buggery all vie for our attention as the precious seconds tick away. I can think of no more honorable way to salute our submariners of all colors than to sit through all three-hundred and forty minutes of this carnival of asphyxiation. Frogmen, We Salute You!

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