Saturday, September 05, 2009

Animal Passion Amongst London's Ludderati

Unmaid Beds (2009)

Starring: Axl Rose, Deborah France
Directed by: Alex Dos De Santos
Rating: R
Genre: Foreign
Coming out in limited release this week is Alexis Dos De Santos' ("Give The Devil His Backbone") second movie to date. Santos, a foreigner, gives us two hilarious "Generation Y" bedhead-bewigged losers struggling to discover what love might possibly mean if they were actually to turn into forest animals.

What does it all mean? Dos De Santos (which means "Two of those Saints" in his native Chilean) seems to imply that the younger generation can only relate to each other by wearing the skins of dead animals. While I don't necessarily agree, I have to admit that I find the idea fascinating.

Dos de Santos' fantasy is populated with a panoply of whacky losers and thud-footed dopes - the kinds of kids one sees trying to sell their kidneys to anyone who looks even vaguely medical down at the bus station, and who insist that a jar of urine represents the mytho-magical essence.

The movie can seem a bit "twee" at times as director has his characters run through the usual French Neo-vague claptrap, but don't let that keep you and your lover away. There's something here for everyone who's ever had to brush away the cockroaches before settling down for a brisk sensual rendezvous. And London has never looked so inhabitable!

Check it out!

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