Monday, September 28, 2009

Baby Splitters

Surrogate (2009)

Starring: Bruce Willits
Directed by: Jonah Moscow
Rating: R
Genre: Action/SciFi

100% pure skunk juice. Begoated chrome-dome Bruce Willits ("The Whole Ten Yards", "The Sick Sense")  stars as a man who gives birth to smaller and smaller versions of himself, until finally he needs to make a huge robotic version of himself in order to see into the world that his tiny selves have built. A fascinating idea wasted by director Moscow ("Moscow on the Hudson", "Termites 3Dimensional") whose one big idea is that people in the future will dress like John Travolta in "Saturday Night-Fever". Personally, I'd wait for the comic book.


Greg Morrison Short Stories said...

how long did it take you to find that pic of John T? you must have a faster parallel universe crawler than my jobs-book.
this is bruce willis shrink vehicle. All the major stars are doing roles prescribed to them by Oprah's Pop Psycologist who work pro bono for the rich and wealthy.

Oswald Reeves said...

Mr. Morrisey, I sometimes feel that reading your comments is like being sucked into a vortex designed by Frank Lloyd Bauhaus - a glass and steel structure set precariously over a river of acid whose banks are populated by deranged Oompah Loompahs built like Spiro Agnew amputees. Thanks for commenting!

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

I steal my ideas from Pinky & The Brain, the lost 'in my undies drawer' episodes.

Oswald Reeves said...

"Greg", assuming you are the eponymous Mr. Morrisey, it's worth recalling the great Francis Coppa who once said that there was nothing unusual under the sun.

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

He, who saw the world as the mirror to his own greatness, Pony Boy.