Thursday, September 03, 2009

Hippy Dippy

TastingWoodstock (2009)

Starring: Yakov Smirnov, Gene Simmons
Directed by: Anne Leigh
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy

Annie Leigh ("Higher and Higher", "Gilbert and Sullivan Take Manhattan") tries to take us back to a place we never were in her dippy "reload" of the sixties as seen through the eyes of the oddly well-preserved Yakov Smirnov and about a million dirty perverts who thought a good time involved smearing your "mate" with pig muck and dancing alone in circles until "the man" brought you "down" from your "trip" with a swift kick to the jubjubs.

Well, Annie, unlike everyone else,  I was there -  and I can tell you it certainly was NOT the gentle paean to dumb cluck Timmy Leery's idea that you could "tune into the turn on." I came home with so many lice that to this day I cannot see a spot of dandruff without striking out at anything within three feet of my person.

To paraphrase the great Willy Neilsen ("Neilsen Sshlemielsen") sang, "take your dream and shove it!"

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