Wednesday, September 16, 2009

From The Vault - Devil, Don't Touch Me There!

Touched By Evil (1958)
Starring: Charleston Heston, Orson Wellies, Marlin Dietrich
Directed by: Orson Wellies
Rating: PG
Genre: Classic

From The Vault - From The Vault is a special feature of Oswald's Screen Scene. Here we present reviews of movies past that we feel might interest, provoke or dismay our readers.
This forgotten masterpiece, apparently meticulously reconstructed by the studios after behemoth Wellies destroyed the first edit in a fit of pique over Heston's ginormous mustache, tells the story of a man of hispanic extraction  (Heston - "Moses: The Early Years", "The Greatest Man On Earth") so enamored of the law that he makes out with Wellies in order to save Mexico.

Germanic sometimes-man Dietrich ("Venus In Leather", "The Blue Dahlia") smolders as "Conchita", a health nut who's mission in life is to keep diabetic Wellies away from the Mars bar that's destined to kill him.

And what can a critic say about Wellies that hasn't already been said by Wellies himself, and probably with more and bigger words? Rumor is that he packed on fifteen pounds for the role of a man driven by his need to push away those who needed to love him, and to love those who pushed away their own needs in order to be loved by him. Wellies understood the sophisticated use of sound in film so well that almost everything audible is unintelligible, which makes what you can hear all the greater.

Lovely Shirley Jones ("Psychos") plays the woman who dared to share a bed with Heston at a time when women did not sleep with men. And nutbucket Dennis Weaving ("Tell Them Willie Boy Did Not Send You") almost steals the show as "Crackler", a hotel clerk with a peeping problem and pants the size of all outdoors.

Return to a time when studios knew where to spend their money, and on whom. Return to Evil!

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