Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Going To Watch Forever

Fame (2009)

Starring: Judd Hirsch, Einstein Serious
Directed by: Kevin Bacon
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
Other: Dancing

Uplifting remake of Travolta 80's masterpiece "Stayin' Alive". Judd Hirsch ("King of the Gypsies", "King of the Gypsies 2: Gippin'") stars as curdmudeonly dancemaster with a wooden leg for tapping out the beats and a glass eye for spotting talent. Actor/Director Bacon brings home the bacon for mama here with a big old-fashioned barn-dance of a flick repleat with a dorky nerd who invents the boom box (Aussie stick-insect Einstein Serious), a beautiful girl with voice like an angel and a terrible secret (spoiler alert! the tiny, shriveled remains of her dead sister are still very "attached") played by oddly bulbous vixen Maria Carrey and voiced by her brother Tim, and a hot-blooded latina cello player with a liking for Mr. Jack Daniels. Corny? By all means! Cliched? Yessirreebob! But a delight nonetheless. Don't miss the big finale where the entire cast dances their way through every orifice of a butchered Right Whale being towed out to sea by none other than tugboat captain Kareem Abdul Jabbar!


Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Fame, frame, flame, fgname. It's still a Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland Stone Soup re-heat.
Wasn't this film what won the election for Ronald Reagan, and rallied the Pentagon from the depth-charge of underfunding?

Oswald Reeves said...

"Greg", I'm not sure that you're not correct. I seem to remember an article in The Variety which mentioned some kind of Nicaraguan funding for the original movie. How strange to think that the Iranian Revolution may have been aided by the caterwauling of the Hollywood "brat" pack!

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Poncho Villa all over again in Tinsel Villa if you ask anyone with a library card carrying toddler.
Be sure to watch the up-coming underground film script, The Dr. Seuss Code, bought up by the Taliban under the guys of Soupy Sales Production. Pie, with your Green Eggs and Ham, little America?