Friday, September 25, 2009

What If There Was Love?

Love Happens! (2009)

Starring: Aaron Sorkin, Jennifer Anniston, Michael Sheen
Directed by: Brandon Camp
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Friday Night Special - Friday Night Special is a special feature of Oswald's Screen Scene. Here we present reviews of movies that we feel may be of particular interest to those special lovers looking for that magical mood-setter of a date flick that just might ignite the passions bubbling under the surface during the last work day of the week. Is this "The One"? Or just "One of Those Things?" Let us be your guide!

Fantastically talented five-tool threat Aaron Sorkin ("You Can't Handle Love", "When The Studios Were Kings", "Flattop and The Choctaw") acts, writes and directs (under the banally obvious "Brandon Camp") this alternately hysterical and devastating ode to the kind of love only possible when death brings you face to face with the fact that love is all that is left before we die.

Anniston ("Career Day", "Fat Suit"), who can be strangely inert, here glows like a plump, rosy, pregnant irishwoman as Eloise - the abandoned love child of cruel executive Donald Trump and "The Prelate of Hate" hotelier/queen bitch Martha B. Stewart. When in the depths of depression Anniston challenges Sorkin to a thumb-wrestle and accidentally breaks off the digit, love can't be far behind.

But Sorkin - as the unacknowledged love-child of loony Panglossian optimist Normal Vincente Peale - keeps occasionally remembering his dead wife which causes him to fall into such a funk that only Anniston's irresistible giggle can bring him out of. The two are sheer chemical alchemy, the filmic equivalent of blanched asparagus.

I would be remiss if I didn't also mention the knockout performance of flabby, drunken Zamboni-driver Michael Sheen ("Nixon: The Musical", "Gumball Rally 15", "Werewolf Priest", "Corked!").

This is the kind of movie that can bring your lover's pot to a boil. Turn on the gas!


Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Love Happens! J.A. plays the giggle next door as well as anyone since J.C. as Ace Venturea, but this film isn't as deep as a poster I saw in the lew.
Taoist says: Love Happens
Confusionism says: confuscious say love happens.
Hinduism says: This love has happened before.
Judiaism says: Why does this love always happen to use.
Catholics say: If love happens you don't deserve it.
Protestians say: make this love happen to somebody else.
then again, a Date movie can not be that deep. what Sorkin seems to be saying is: Giggle me this. And who wouldn't.

Oswald Reeves said...

"Greg", don't underestimate the potential depth of the date movie. If I remember correctly, Pier Paolo Pasolioni's Terra Trema produced more children than the New York blackout.

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

New Yourkers.