Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Burning Briefs

A Burning Pain (2009)

Starring: Charlize Thorzine
Directed by: Sergio Aragones
Rating: R
Genre: Drama

First-time director Aragones embroiders the edges of the screen with little tales of more-than-ordinary dreariness crescendoing in a curlicued spasm of despair. Anyone who has ever wept into a significant other's sock monkey after a particularly profound sexual experience should be able to relate to actress Thorzine("Monstro: Legend of Suwanee Creek", "The Ugly Miner's Ugly Daughter")'s restaurant manager character as she rides the two-backed luge to hell.

I've certainly criticized other directors for the multi-storyline approach to the filmic art, but Aragones has a way of making you feel that the links have absolutely no relationship to one another. It's a bit like watching a Twilight Zone episode in which the bartender not only doesn't have a third eye under his cap, but the cabby nursing his coffee three seats down isn't a rival alien planning to kill him. I found it refreshing, even when I nodded off briefly.

I look forward to more doodles from this incipient master. Bring on the dancing girls!


Greg (Van) Morrison said...

I'll never go see this film or even steal-a-view off Streaming Video, but you sure got a chuckle outa me. That must be my most memorable Twilight Zone.. What do you mean, wet?

think I'll light up and wait for the after burners to kick in...

Oswald Reeves said...


I will offer two crisp one hundred dollar bills to anyone who can identify the word "wet" within the text of my review. That said, I wish you and yours a wonderful weekend.