Thursday, October 08, 2009

Nuns With the Runs

St Trinians Abbey (2009)

Starring: Rupert Firth, Vanessa Redgrave
Directed by: Terrence Rattigan
Rating: X
Genre: Adult

When Abbess Vanessa Redgrave ("Two Mules for Yasir", "Julia on Spirits") introduces the nuns to twisted joys of absinthe the nunnery dissolves into an extended orgy of madness, raising the question "What did God Mean?"

Excuse me, Pele died for this? Filthy nonsense supposedly from an original idea by Orson Wellies that was probably meant to capsize the entire British film industry. Rattigan ("Lisztorama") should be ashamed and Firth and Redgrave should have known better. Go down your local rental agency and surreptitiously pour Drano on all the copies you can find.

1 comment:

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Okay, you're right. I'll start carrying Drano into my local library. But, I just gotta watch anyone who was in, 2 Mules for Yaris.They may be not be all that Good, they may be all that Bad, but how could they be all that Ugly?