Sunday, October 04, 2009

Huffing and Puffing

Whippets (2009)

Starring: Elaine Paige
Directed by: Lady Drew Barrymore
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
Other: Sports

This important film by Lady Drew Barrymore (!) draws back the shades from the dark side of dentistry. Elaine Paige ("I'm Drunk, I'm Loud  And I'm Snoring On Your Shoulder: A One Woman Show", "Expectorants In Love") comes out of retirement to play a young(!) woman whose addiction to dairy topping propellants leads her into the dangerous and smelly world of female roller skating. Barrymore ("Screams", "Boozle and the Kid", "Rabinnical School Daze" ) has taken on the powerful ADA and I, for one, am thankful. I think you will be too.

1 comment:

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Finally, a film that speaks to me.
God Bless Drew, the love child of Steven Spealburg and Minnie Mouse, but don't let that out. I get paid in green cheese to keep that quiet.