Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The Boondocks Saints 2 (2009)

Starring: Sean Patrick Bean, Julie Benz
Directed by: Richard Kelly
Rating: R
Genre: Action

Is Richard Kelly ("Through A Darko, Darkly", "Spaz") a daring genius a la Byron Keats, or just another dud sparkler, fizzing furiously apropos nothing? His bizarre take on popular African-American comic strip "Boondocks" is nothing if not audacious. Sean Patrick Bean ("The Lords and Their Rings", "Sharpe's Rifles")  and Julie Benz (nothing) appear to come from an entirely different strip - a kind of "Family Circus" in which Billy has grown into a foul-mouthed, racist, homophobic nihilist with rotten teeth and the bad breath that follows rotten teeth as the night follows the day. And just as the "Circus" often mapped out Billy's jaunts through the neighborhood, Kelly maps out a violent "pelegrin" across the shattered corpse-strewn landscape of mindless egotism (as an aside - what, for god's sake, did little fuzzy bunnies ever do to this man and why did he not seek therapy?).

I am at a loss as to why "Boondocks" cartoonist Aaron Sorkin chose Kelly, this cast or this story to introduce his comic vision to the big screen. That is his choice, of course. But one can't help but smell the acrid stench of big money wafting through frame after frame.

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