Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Scrambled Eggs Blooper

Where Are The Wild Things Are (2009)

Starring: Tom Hank, Katherine O'Keener
Directed by: Spike Leez
Rating: PG
Genre: Children

Defenseless dead writer Doctor Seuss' crypt is defiled once again, this time by Nike director Spike Leez ("Happy Daze", "Being Hammad Karzai") who fails the master's litmus test in spectacular fashion. Actor-Most-Likely-To-Buy-Gum-From-The-Bottom-of-Jimmy-Stewart's-Shoe-On-Ebay Tom Hank ("Splashed", "They Were Interdependable") stars as a small child forced to confront a giant plate of talking scrambled eggs (Katherine O'Keener ["The Forty Year Old Midget", "Undies"]) who make fun of him until he cries. This apparently teaches him that it's okay to eat any food that makes you feel bad.  Whatever, Mr. Leez.

I must confess that by the end I was moved to tears when a tree stump explains to Hank that it's okay to hate your parents as long as you don't kill them until they are really old. But in the era of Lord Ronald Howard's "Grench" that's not quite enough. A well-intentioned try, but questionably worthy of your hard-earned sawbucks.


Ziah said...

While I admit that I find your vast knowledge of odd things interesting, might I humbly suggest that once in a blue moon you offer an actual review of the movie? Perhaps as a campanion piece?

Oswald Reeves said...


Trust me, once you start to admit the truth you'll find that an entire world opens up to you. As Levicticus once said "the truth is like meat to the potatoes of freedom. They go together like white on rice."

As for companions... There is much wisdom in what you say. For who can know the mind of another? Even one who has promised to be true can sometimes yield to temptation in a faraway land. The great Detroit Tiger first baseman Hank Greenberg once told a little boy "forgiveness is a mitzvah." May we all find it in our hearts to forgive. Forgetting? That's another bag of worms. Happy film watching!