Thursday, October 01, 2009

City of Ludd

Paris! (2009)

Starring: Gerard Depardieud, Audrey Tattoo
Directed by: Cedric Kapstick
Rating: R
Genre: Foreign

in this worst of all worlds, Megatherian French blowhard Gerard Depardieud ("Asterix Reinflated", "Two Goats and A Baby") stars in a series of "moral tales" about giant frenchmen driving around the cigarette capital of the word in a tiny, tiny car. Forgive my ignorance, but didn't Mr. Bill Daniels ("Blue Lagoon")  do a little thing in the seventies called "St. Elsewhere" which followed the activities of a motley group of fools through their daily lives? Pardon me, Mr. Kapstick, but just because they're speaking "La Francaise" does not give you carte blanche. It may be called "un homage" where you come from, but better men than you have been hung on barbed wire for much less here in the U.S. of A.

That said, Audrey Tattoo is a revelation as a waifish cop with a smile, a lisp and a knife up the boot. Look for more from this fresh-faced vixen!


Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Your links are crystaline clear.
I'm reminded that there are not enough film awards in the world. Shouldn't there at least be a 'Barbed Wire' award for foreign films?
But you gotta admire the screenwriter's imagination: is anyone Able to possibly string together two actual moral tales in this world of Noah/Cain anymore?
another question: Do you think that the Dung Beatles got dizzy on the Ark?

Oswald Reeves said...

"Greg", I think I follow you. Dung. Beatles. It hadn't occurred to me. A tip of the chapeau to you for pulling that together. I agree that those films deserving of awards should be given as many awards as possible. I've suggested to my district representative that a certain percentage of taxes collected on the sale of medical marijuana be set aside for rewarding deserving actors. Feel free to follow my lead.

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

I've got my WAMM dance card in hand, I'll dance with you.
I say it's about time that the American people have a say so in how our taxes are spent. If we can't save the lives of actors like Michael J. Fox (The Families that Ties together stays Together) at least we can give their estate things to sell on eBay.
What if Riddlynn producers had to pay an extra tax for a Film School Fund, so we can get some decent movies for this, The Age of Short Attention Spans.