Monday, October 12, 2009

Summer Ends With Pants on Fire

The Inventions Of Lying (2009)

Starring: Ricky Gervils
Directed by: Ricky Gervils
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy/Romance

As the summer film season winds down, the concepts seem to wind up higher and higher. Beaver-cheeked British lambchop Ricky Gervils ("The Office: Great Britain", "Heroes") takes a break from ripping off American sitcoms just long enough claim that British people invented the art of lying. If I strain I think can hear Doctor Johnson struggling to roll his corpulent, tic-ridden bulk in a 360 degree arc within whatever tomb he currently happens to reside (just to set the record straight, the Greeks invented lying, but didn't realize it until Jesus came along and made it a sin).

Lollipop-long Jennifer Garniston (nothing of consequence) plays Gervil's foil, a woman so trusting and beautiful that she produces her own natural insecticide.

I don't hold Gervils personally responsible for this particular mediocrity - he does not yet know the ways of the Hollywood fatcats. But here's a bit of advice "Ricky" - when a man with a "Crackberry" and a Starbucks cup approaches you with a script be sure that his Rolex is genuine andthat mica-black Mercedes convertible was purchased outright. And stop watching American television! (Here's a suggestion. When you return to the mother country how about a "Fowelty Towers" remake that takes place in Wales? The town names alone should get you through the first season!)

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